Double-Ended Fluted Pestle

Double-Ended Fluted Pestle
Region / Tribe: Northeastern Woodlands / Iroquois
Circa: 18th – 19th Century
Material: Hardwood
Dimension: L. 46” x W. 3 ½”
Collection History: Collected in N.Y.S.
Reference: Parker, A.C. Iroquois Use of Maize and Other Food Plants. New York State Museum, Museum Bulletin 144, 1910. Reprint Iroqrafts, 1983. Plates 11 & 12. “The mortar and pestle are used in pulverizing corn for soups, hominy, pouddings and bread, and are by far the most important utensils used in preparing corn foods made from meal.”(p.48)
Condition: Excellent, no restoration
Comments: Finely fluted on both ends